Our return appointment and first lesson with them was a
little crazy. Due to experience as a Jehova’s Witness Dalma knew a lot about
religion. We taught them about the
Restoration, Prophets, the Priesthood, the Apostacy and of course, Joseph
Smith. We covered a lot of material but we knew they understood everything
because at the end of the lesson Matias said one of the most powerful prayers I
have ever heard. We knelt down and he
just pleaded with our Heavenly Father to show them the path he and Dalma should
In our next lesson with them, we taught them about the Book
of Mormon and we extended a baptism date to them but Dalma rejected us. Although she said they weren’t ready, she did
say they had already “felt something.” Then, we taught them about the Plan of
Salvation and once again, the lesson went really well. Dalma asked us a ton of questions
and we were able to answer all of them by using the Book of Mormon. We realized that they were asking so many questions
because they wanted to understand even the smallest of details and instead of bashing with us
because they had knowledge from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they were able to
understand even the smallest of details.
During our next visit, everything changed. Our lesson was simple:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal was to establish a baptism date for them
and explain the principles of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy
Ghost and enduring to the end. The Spirit was so powerful in this lesson! We
had a recent convert join us and testify to Matias and Dalma of the positive
changes she made in her life as a result of her acceptance of the Gospel. It
was a lesson missionaries dream about. For the fourth time, we extended a
baptism invitation and this time, we heard the word, “Yes!!” Before making a
final commitment, they wanted to go to church so that weekend we prepared to
help them attend church. Unfortunately, on the Saturday night before Christmas
Eve, a member of Matias’s family died and they called to tell us they couldn’t
attend church with us. I was disappointed but, with faith, we held on.
Over the next two weeks we went further into the lessons. We
focused on the commandments and the temple. At this point, we realized just how
quickly they understood these principles. They riddled us with questions but
only because they wanted to understand everything. They had been praying daily
as a couple, fixing broken relationships with family members and making the
changes they knew were necessary. They even contacted a member in our ward who
is charge of family history and they were researching their ancestors. They
soaked up all of the lessons so quickly that we almost ran out of information
to teach them. At this joint, they had received their answer and made important
changes. So, they were prepared to be baptized. As well, Elder Hobbs and I had
gained an unbreakable friendship with them and we felt like we’d know each
other for years.
The past week has been one that missionaries dream about. We
finished the lessons and answered their last few questions. Then, on Friday
morning, we got all fancy and headed to the Government building for the wedding
and it was an unforgettable experience. Matias and Dalma chose Elder Hobbs and
me to be their witnesses at their wedding. So, we were literally right by their
sides when took the huge leap of faith to get legally married. Then, on Friday
night, the ward members organized a party for the newlyweds and it exceeded our
expectations. We ate a ton of food, danced a bit and just enjoyed the night. It
was Matias and Dalma’s welcome into the ward.
On Saturday morning, we woke up early to fill the baptismal font
and make sure the water was nice and high because Matias is a big boy. We were
so excited! A bunch of members and other supporters came to the baptism and
everything went perfectly. It’s difficult to explain the feeling of being in
the baptismal font with someone in your arms but it’s one of the best feelings
in the world. I baptized Dalma and Elder Hobbs baptized Matias. We were jumping
off the walls because we were so excited! These feelings were even better than
scoring a game winning touchdown or getting an interception in second overtime!
On Sunday, Matias and Dalma were confirmed by the bishopric as
members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Their baptisms and
confirmations were two great spiritual experiences that cemented their
During our entire experience with Matias and Dalma, Elder Hobbs
and I kept asking ourselves, “Why are they so different?” We have decided that
God literally prepare them to receive the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and
when the time came, they accepted the lessons, understood every principle,
acted accordingly and received the blessings that our Heavenly Father has been
preparing for them.
Words can’t describe the miracle that took place with Matias and
Dalma. Simply, it has cemented my testimony even more and I don’t know why I,
being as imperfect as I am, was able to be a part of it. This experience is one
I will never forget. Matias and Dalma were prepared by the Lord. As well, He
chose Elder Hobbs and me, two imperfect instruments, to help show them the way.
Truly, we didn’t do anything too special. In fact, we just guided Matias and
Dalma and we’ve been the beneficiaries of the results.
“The field is white already
to harvest” even in the Argentina Mendoza Mission.