Saturday, December 10, 2016

¡Hasta Leugo Training Wheels!

Well, the big news of the week was that we got the transfer calls last night and I´m staying in Salto! My new companion is Elder Mena who is from Chile and I´ve heard great things about him. Of course, this means I’ll only speak Spanish all day, every day so it might be a little tough, but this will give me an awesome opportunity to get my Spanish really goin’. I´ve learned a ton of Spanish already but now that I´m using Spanish exclusively, I hope it can get a lot better. I´m excited to see the progress of our new investigators too!
This week I finished my training, the month of December started and I hit my 4-month mark. All of these things are crazy for me to believe!
This week was also a pretty busy one. We started off the week with exchanges in Parque Molino with the District Leader. El Molino is actually a fun little town which is known for the little mafia that runs the neighborhood. As a missionary, this makes our experiences a little interesting, especially when we are gringos. But, of course, nothing happened while I was there. I spent a couple of days with the District Leader, Elder Toone, and it’s always fun to change companions for a little bit. We were able to teach some of his investigators and it was so much fun to meet with new people and share the awesome message that we have. The only not so fun part about these two days was that El Molino has zero trees and the sun was as powerful as ever. I was dying in the heat and we covered a ton of ground on our feet.  This made me miss our good ole bikes in Salto. A member told us that it got up to 104 degrees on Sunday and it´s only going to get hotter! I think it’s safe to say that Summer is officially here!
Back in Salto, we taught Daniel and Carla the word of wisdom and the Law of Chastity, both of which can be difficult to comprehend for investigators. With the Law of Chastity, we kind of have a problem because we found out that Daniel and Carla are not married. L  They told us that they have talked about it in the past but they just decided back then, that it’s simply just a piece of paper. That seems to be the attitude with most of the Argentina people which stinks, but we’ll work with them. It took a while to explain the importance of marriage and why it is needed to be baptized. I think they were a little hesitant at the end of the lesson, which is understandable, because marriage is a pretty big deal. But the thing is, if they know that the things we are teaching them are true, then they will see the importance of marriage. Also, they told us if they do get married they want to have a little party or something so I might be putting on a wedding party soon! But, the best part of this situation is that they are a family and eternal life with our families is the greatest gift we can receive in this life and they understand that, as well as the requirements to get to that point.
Elder Roderick & Elder McCabe at the Open Chapel 
After we taught them on Friday, Carla and the kids came to church on Sunday and it was soo amazing to see our members just make them feel comfortable and show them the ropes during Sacrament Meeting. Elder Hyer and I just sat in the back and watched our members take care of the kids and explain everything to Carla. It truly was the coolest experience. Last night, we went over to their house to follow up with them and we basically just poured out our hearts to them. We shared how we were inspired to find them. (We probably knocked on their door 10 times before actually being able to find someone home.) We told them that we are here because we want them to be an eternal family. It was actually an awesome lesson. I really hope and pray that they feel our love and can act upon a response they receive from our Heavenly Father about this decision.
 A few weeks back while we were at Daniel’s house, we met a man named Omar Rissi and he expressed interest in our message but we went almost a month without finding him again. All of the people in his little neighborhood don’t really like the missionaries so it was nearly impossible to find him again. Omar is such an awesome guy though. He’s probably in his 60’s and he doesn’t have much of a religious background, which can be difficult sometimes because so many things are new to him, but he’s so sweet. When we followed up with him this week he had already read what we had asked him to read. He is such a stud! He hasn’t been baptized before and I hope we can help him reach that point sometime soon!
Elder Roderick and the Sisters following the Open Chapel
The bummer part of the week was during the Zone Meeting on Friday we found out that the mission is not having a Christmas party. L Apparently, the Church is cutting funds and even when President Goates offered to pay for it all, the Church still said, “no.” I guess the Grinch lives in Argentina!
The best part of the week was the Open Chapel we had for the whole Stake of San Rafael. There is a Senior Missionary couple who is assigned to hold Open Chaples all over South America and they basically take care of everything. It was so much fun for us because we saw a lot of people come the open house who aren’t members and there were some less actives who attended as well! It was a long night of entertaining people and we got back to our pench very late and very exhausted but it was soo worth it!
I’m excited to stay another transfer here in Salto and get a new companion! Please pray for Daniel and Carla and their decision about marriage!

I love you all so much!!

Elder Roderick

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