Another week has come to a close. Luckily, it was warmer this week, but the weather change hit me hard and I got a little cold this weekend. I’ll be fine though.
This week we found an awesome family. The mom, Flabia, lives with her son, Uriel, and her parents. Flabia has a nephew who is serving a mission. So, when we knocked on their door, they let us in and we had a great chat with them. The kid, Uriel, is a stud! He’s 12-years old and he loves English and soccer. They had some knowledge of the Church, but not too much. They accepted Moroni’s Promise and they’ve started to read the Book of Mormon together. They accepted a baptism date too!
Our work with them was going really well, then on Sunday we had a little problem. We had a plan to walk to church with them so we went to their house and Flabia and Uriel were just finishing their breakfast and all ready to go. Then, out of nowhere, Flabia’s mother, who was really sick and in bed, started shouting from her bed that they shouldn’t go to church because Uriel would be the only kid there and they wouldn’t feel comfortable. So, they got in a big argument and we were just sitting in their kitchen listening to them argue, at 9 o’clock in the morning. Eventually, we left and went to church. Then, we went back on Sunday afternoon with a couple of members and together, we resolved their concerns. There truly is opposition in all things!
We are still teaching David, our homie who is on house arrest. We’ve been trying to work with the police to get permission for him to go to church, but we haven’t had much luck. Nonetheless, he keeps progressing. We’ve developed a strong friendship with him and it just kills me that he can’t get baptized! The other day, we went to his house and we started to read the Book of Mormon together. He told us he was in Mosiah, toward the end. So, we read the story about Alma the Younger and David absolutely loved it. At the end of the chapter he looked at me and said, “I was really worried about this Alma kid but it sure makes me happy that he was able to repent.” David is such a stud! It’s not very common for an investigator to tell the missionaries the story of Alma the Younger. LoL!
We also had another great lesson with Agostina this week. All of the lessons we have with her are so spiritual and she has great desires to learn as much as she can. This week she came to our lesson with many questions about the church and our points of view on a variety of topics. She is only 18-years old, yet we have the deepest and most spiritual lessons with her. The be honest, it’s getting frustrating because she is still so hesitant to get baptized. She has received her answer but she’s taking her time because she knows that baptism is a big commitment. Even so, I’m confident that she’ll be baptized soon.
Yesterday, a member brought one of her friends from school, Solanje, to church with her. So, that was a little present for us. They are both studying nursing and now, they are living together. We were also able to have a lesson with Solanje after church. During our church meetings, we talked a lot about the Book of Mormon so she had a lot of questions about it. We were able to clear up her questions and it looks like she’s progress and will continue to come to church. Lately, the members have really been helping us find new people to teach and it is such a blessing!
"The field is white already to harvest" in Mendoza, Argentina!
Elder Roderick