This last week of the transfer was a really solid one and
we were able to catch up with all of our investigators and have a couple of
great lessons with them. One cool thing that happened this week was that one
night we are on our way back to our pench and we saw a lady who called us from
the street to help her. She told us that she had lost her keys and needed to
open her door. Our options were very limited and it was getting late so, we had
to figure out something quick. So, I did something that every boy dreams of…..
I ended up kicking the door open for this lady and I didn't even break the door
frame so that was an unusual and exciting experience!
To be honest, this week also got pretty cold. The mornings
and the nights got really cold but the days were really nice, when it didn't
rain. Ha ha! Even so, it felt nice to put on a big coat and I have fallen in
love with a drink they have here in Argentina with is called “Malta.” It’s
basically just Mormon coffee. LOL! So, after over a year of living through summer
and spring it's been nice to finally start the winter season!
We also had another awesome lesson with my man, Benjamin,
and his family. During our lesson, we talked about the Plan of Salvation. When
we got to the part of the resurrection I felt the prompting to use my priesthood
authority and I promised them that their grandpa would receive his legs again
and he be able to walk with his wife. This was a cool moment because I just
felt the prompting to say it and the Gift of Tongues helped me say it in the
correct Spanish. Following the first prompting from the Spirit, and then acting
on it, will always bring great results!
Have a
great week!