Saturday, March 17, 2018

Adiós San Luis & Hola San Miguel

Well, I’m not in San Luis anymore. I got transferred to Mendoza Capital.  Yeah, Baby! I’ve spent my entire mission hours and hours outside of the mission office but now I’m right in the middle of all the action. So, it’s nice to have a change. My new companion is the one and only Elder Marcum from Canton, Georgia!  He knows Big Roddy because Matthew served in his family’s ward just a few years ago. What a small world, no? My new area is called San Miguel in Las Heras, Mendoza.  It’s an awesome area and I’m pumped to be here because it will probably be my last area!
It was tough to leave San Luis and all of the wonderful people I met there, but I’ve learned that life in the mission field is full of “goodbyes.” Matias and Dalma came to the bus station to say, “bye” and it was one of the toughest “goodbyes” I’ve had. Even so, I’m so grateful to have met people who are so wonderful that it’s difficult to leave them.  I will miss everyone in San Luis but I’m excited for this final chapter in my mission.
Elder Marin and I had a nice last week together.  One afternoon, we were at lunch and the member gave us a typical meal of milanesa and mashed potatoes and as we were finishing the member asked, “Elders, Did you like the cow liver?” At first, we thought she was playing a joke on us but soon, we realized that she was dead serious. So, we ate cow liver without even realizing it.  Ha-ha! What’s worse is that on Saturday, we ate cow intestines.  So, those meals made it an interesting week.  The Argentines literally eat every part of the cow including the brains, tongue, intestines, everything!
The best part of the week was when we were reunited with one of our former investigators for the first time in two months.  We weren’t able to teach her for a long time because her daughter-in-law was very sick and she had to take care of her.  At that time, we sent the sister missionaries to teach her son and daughter-in-law but, her daughter-in-law eventually died! So, the sisters have been working with her son.  They’re just trying to help him feel better and get back on track after his wife’s death. So, the other day we taught a lesson to the mom and son with the sisters and it was such a great experience because they expressed their appreciation for what we do as missionaries and they thanked us for never letting go of them. It was pretty sweet!
I’ll load you up with more details about my new area next week! 

Elder Roderick

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